ROS-I School in South Africa

ROS-related vacancies in online job market
January 11, 2018
ROS-I Academy at Fraunhofer IPA, Stuttgart
February 14, 2018

The partner university TUT in Pretoria, South Africa of FHA was interested in giving the second edition of the Summer School located at their university. Through the success of the first edition FHA was asked again to contribute to this event with their expertise.

In total ten participants from TUT took the chance to learn the contents of: ROS Basics, Decentralized communication with ROS, Develop a program to control a robot. robot model description, environment perception, SLAM, robot vision and finally how to navigate a robot autonomously through a course.

The one week event was hosted by the partners from the mechatronics department, but next to their students also mechanical and electrical engineering students participated. The infrastructure like providing computer systems and robots was provided by Tshwane University with support in preparing this by FHA. The second edition of the ROS-I School at TUT was another success and the feedback was positive so that a request for a third edition again supported by FHA was asked.