
Universal Robots ROS-Industrial Driver
February 14, 2019
February 14, 2019


One of the main steps in product development is the clarification of license terms in the developed or used software. Considering the wide usage of ROS in product development, especially in mobile robotics applications, clarification of license terms and conditions for the software provides by either ROS itself or functional ROS-packages is an important issue, especially for bigger companies. Bosch Engineering GmbH aims for performing the open source scanning (OSS) of the whole ROS core software and main mobile robotics functional packages of the kinetic branch, analyses the results and prepares a referable source of their license terms and conditions.


List of packages

Base installation: ros-base

Including main dependencies: actionlib, bond-core, class-loader, dynamic-reconfigure, nodelet-core, pluginlib, ros-core

Including child dependencies: actionlib, actionlib-msgs, bond, bond-core, bondcpp, bondpy, catkin, class-loader, cmake-modules, common-msgs, cpp-common, diagnostic-msgs, dynamic-reconfigure, gencpp, geneus, genlisp, genmsg, gennodejs, genpy, geometry-msgs, message-filters, message-generation, message-runtime, mk, nav-msgs, nodelet, nodelet-core, nodelet-topic-tools, pluginlib, ros, rosbag, rosbag-migration-rule, rosbag-storage, ros-base, rosbash, rosboost-cfg, rosbuild, rosclean, ros-comm, rosconsole, rosconsole-bridge, ros-core, roscpp, roscpp-core, roscpp-serialization, roscpp-traits, roscreate, ros-environment, rosgraph, rosgraph-msgs, roslang, roslaunch, roslib, roslisp, roslz4, rosmake, rosmaster, rosmsg, rosnode, rosout, rospack, rosparam, rospy, rosservice, rostest, rostime, rostopic, rosunit, roswtf, sensor-msgs, shape-msgs, smclib, std-msgs, std-srvs, stereo-msgs, topic-tools, trajectory-msgs, visualization-msgs, xmlrpcpp


Navigation framework: navigation, amcl, robot-localization

Main dependencies: amcl, base-local-planner, carrot-planner, clear-costmap-recovery, costmap-2d, dwa-local-planner, fake-localization, global-planner, map-server, move-base, move-base-msgs, move-slow-and-clear, nav-core, navfn, robot-pose-ekf, rotate-recovery, voxel-grid

Including child dependencies: actionlib, actionlib-msgs, amcl, angles, base-local-planner, bfl, bond, bondcpp, carrot-planner, catkin, class-loader, clear-costmap-recovery, costmap-2d, cpp-common, dwa-local-planner, dynamic-reconfigure, fake-localization, gencpp, geneus, genlisp, genmsg, gennodejs, genpy, geometry-msgs, global-planner, laser-geometry, map-msgs, map-server, message-filters, message-generation, message-runtime, move-base, move-base-msgs, move-slow-and-clear, nav-core, navfn, navigation, nav-msgs, nodelet, nodelet-topic-tools, pcl-conversions, pcl-msgs, pcl-ros, pluginlib, robot-pose-ekf, rosbag, rosbag-storage, rosbuild, rosclean, rosconsole, roscpp, roscpp-serialization, roscpp-traits, ros-environment, rosgraph, rosgraph-msgs, roslaunch, roslib, roslz4, rosmaster, rosmsg, rosnode, rosout, rospack, rosparam, rospy, rosservice, rostest, rostime, rostopic, rosunit, roswtf, rotate-recovery, sensor-msgs, smclib, std-msgs, std-srvs, tf, tf2, tf2-eigen, tf2-msgs, tf2-py, tf2-ros, topic-tools, visualization-msgs, voxel-grid, xmlrpcpp


Gmapping: gmapping

Main dependencies: libboost-program-options1.58.0, libboost-system1.58.0, libboost-thread1.58.0, libc6, libgcc1, libstdc++6, nav-msgs, nodelet, openslam-gmapping, roscpp, tf, actionlib, actionlib-msgs, bond, bondcpp, catkin, class-loader, cpp-common, gencpp,geneus, genlisp, genmsg, gennodejs, genpy, geometry-msgs, gmapping, message-filters, message-generation, message-runtime, nav-msgs, nodelet, openslam-gmapping, pluginlib, rosbag, rosbag-storage, rosbuild, rosclean, rosconsole, roscpp, roscpp-serialization, roscpp-traits, ros-environment, rosgraph, rosgraph-msgs, roslaunch, roslib, roslz4, rosmaster, rosmsg, rosnode, rosout, rospack, rosparam, rospy, rosservice, rostest, rostime, rostopic, rosunit, roswtf, sensor-msgs, smclib, std-msgs, std-srvs, tf, tf2, tf2-msgs, tf2-py, tf2-ros, topic-tools, xmlrpcpp