
January 11, 2018

ROS-related vacancies in online job market

For all students or professionals who are looking for a ROS-related internship or job, ROSIN is now offering an online job market. Companies that offer ROS-Industrial related internships for students or jobs for developers and professionals are also welcome to submit their job offers.
December 4, 2017

Project meeting at IT University of Copenhagen

The ROSIN team met on 29./30. November at the IT University of Copenhagen to move the ideas of the ROSIN project forward.
November 28, 2017

ROSIN at the European Parliament

ROSIN partners informed several members of the EU parliament about the state of robotics (Europe is doing very well) and about the best course of action (invest more in robotics, while keeping an eye on societal implications).
November 28, 2017

Call for participation: ROS-Industrial Conference 2017

Five years after the very first public event entirely devoted to discussing the potential benefits of a shared, open-source framework for industrial robotics and automation, Fraunhofer IPA will host the 2017 edition of the ROS-Industrial Conference in Stuttgart, Germany, on December 12 to 14.