ROS-Industrial Conference 2017 Program (v1.0):
Day 1, December 12: Open Source Robotics: Vision, Business Insights, and Public Backing
Day 2, December 13: Technology, Communities, and Next Challenges
Day 3, December 14: Applications - Today and Tomorrow
Over three days the program will cover: (1) ROS support from hardware OEMs, such as ABB, Denso, Ensenso, Pilz, Roboception, Universal Robots, and others (2) how robotics and IT are converging, in methods and business models: deployment and update workflows, cloud, etc (3) ROS software development measures and tools to guarantee its quality, such as static code analysis, and newly released packages from commercial organizations (4) applications such as aerospace, automotive, logistics (5) current EU ROS activities and how to get involved in them
Find out more »SAVE-THE-DATE:
location: Fraunhofer IPA, Stuttgart, Germany
dates: December 10 to December 12, 2019