A couple of academic and industrial partners from South-West of France are organizing mobile ROS-I training sessions in different cities: Bordeaux, Limoges, Perpignan so far, in the context of a ROSIN EP project.
These trainings are 5-days session covering needs for industrial and service robotics and mixing engineers in business as well as students, all beginners with ROS and ROS-I. The schedule:
- Day 1: Introduction to Ubuntu Linux, terminal usage, ROS Melodic concepts
- Day 2: Navigate with a mobile robot (Turtlebot 3 robots with Move Base)
- Day 3: Manipulate with an articulated arm (Sawyer robot with MoveIt)
- Day 4: Perceive the environment from cameras (Computer vision with Keras and OpenCV)
- Day 5: Integrate vision and both robots in order to solve an industry-inspired puzzle (Final boss)
➡️ Access opensource pedagogical material
The first 2 sessions occured in Bordeaux in January 2020 (see pictures). New editions in new cities will occur in the next months. If your university or engineering school is interested in hosting a future edition, please contact us at contact[@]ros4.pro. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we also setup remote trainings, in which we still work with actual hardware that learners receive at home in a parcel. Read here a feedback article about this remote edition (in french).

Edition in Bordeaux from January 2020
➡️ In 2021, this project is continued in E-ROS4PRO – checkout dates, register now or learn more
For those needing to go further with ROS-I in France, our partner RIO in Toulouse hosts the advanced level.